10 Times You Should Never Use a Clorox Wipe

In the wake of the coronavirus, many of us are tempted to stash Clorox wipes in every room, but they’re not appropriate for every surface. Luckily, there are great alternative disinfectants that work when Clorox won’t.

1. Cleaning your skin

Clorox wipes aren’t designed to work on our skin and can cause irritation or rashes. The best way to clean skin is with soap and water, and alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be used whenever you can’t wash your hands.  

2. Wiping Granite Countertops

Since granite is a porous material, it needs to be sealed to protect it from wear and tear. Clorox can degrade the sealant and leave unsightly stains in the granite. Soap and water are adequate for everyday cleaning, but to kill germs on granite, use 70% isopropyl alcohol.

3. Disinfecting Dishes

Clorox wipes can disinfect dishes, but they leave chemical residues that are dangerous to ingest. Never use Clorox wipes on items that will be used to serve food or beverages!  

Most dishwashers get hot enough to kill germs. If you don’t have a dishwasher, wash dishes thoroughly with soap and water and air dry. If you’re really worried, use 70% isopropyl alcohol, rinse, and dry thoroughly.

4. Polishing Your Eyeglasses

Clorox wipes have chemicals that can be very irritating to our sensitive eyes. Use alcohol-based wipes that are made specifically for eyeglasses to keep your eyes healthy. Clorox wipes could also scratch the lenses or damage the frames.  

5. Sanitizing Your Sofa

Clorox wipes can stain fabrics, so they shouldn’t be used on upholstered furniture. Instead, use a handheld steamer to safely and effectively sanitize furniture and mattresses.  

6. Wiping Off Untreated Wood

Untreated wood can be stained by Clorox wipes, so to keep your woodworking projects looking their best, don’t use Clorox. A spray bottle with a few tablespoons of white vinegar mixed into a few ounces of water can safely clean and sanitize untreated wood.  

7. Cleaning Leather

The alcohol in Clorox wipes can stain leather and leave it dry and brittle. In many cases, a hot, wet towel is enough to clean leather. A few drops of baby shampoo in hot water can get a dirty surface clean. If you need to sterilize leather with an alcohol-based wipe, spot test first!

No matter how you clean your leather, make sure to use a pH balanced leather conditioner afterward to keep it in good condition.  

8. Lifting Clothing Stains

Using Clorox wipes on clothing can stain the fabric and, if you’re wearing the clothing, can also cause skin irritation. Depending on the stain, hydrogen peroxide or steam can be used to clean and sanitize.

9. Sanitizing Pet Bowls

Just as Clorox wipes aren’t safe for our dishes, they’re not safe for our pets’ dishes either. As with your own dishes, you should wash Fido’s bowl every day with soap and water and let it air dry between uses.  

10. Cleaning Multiple Surfaces

Using a single Clorox wipe to clean your countertop, stovetop, and refrigerator handles will end up spreading more germs than you’re killing. The correct way to use a Clorox wipe is to wipe it over a single surface so that it’s visibly wet for about 4 minutes. If the surface will come into contact with food, rinse with water.